8 Examples to Increase SaaS Landing Page Conversion Rates

A collection of creative but proven landing page conversion boosting ideas to supercharge your B2B SaaS marketing.
Umberto Anderle
August 5, 2024

What is a good conversion rate?

Unbounce’s Conversion Benchmark Report (a survey of over 9,000 different SaaS companies) states that the median conversion rate across all SaaS businesses is ~3%. This conversion rate varies significantly across different sectors and companies.

A conversion event is not the same for every SaaS. If you’re a product-led growth company, a conversion may be a signup to your platform, while if you require prospects to talk to your sales team, a conversion may be booking a demo call, and the average conversion rate for that will be lower.

Long story short it’s tricky to get an apples-to-apples comparison for your own conversions but at least you have a ballpark idea and chances are, there’s room for improvement. This is why we’ve pulled together a list of proven ideas and methods for increasing your own conversion rate.

8 creative but proven methods for increasing conversion rate

1. Add interactive product demos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many landing pages is a demo worth? Interactive product demos are a great way to show your platform in action to visitors without any barriers to entry. They’re a powerful way to build trust with prospects and back up any claims you make by letting the prospect experience your product for themselves without them needing to commit anything up front.

Flagsmith uses interactive demos to let visitors test drive their platform without having to sign up and integrate the tool into their code base.

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2. Target your ICP

It can’t be overstated how critical it is for your landing page to speak directly to your ICP (Ideal customer profile). It can be tempting to keep your messaging broad to try catch more leads, but actually niching down and writing your copy aimed at a very specific customer type is one of the most important levers for improving conversion rate.

Sometimes, SaaS products can target multiple ICPs. In such a case, make sure you funnel the right ICP to the right pages. Empiraa is a great example of this where they ask new visitors what best describes their business before funnelling them into a targeted landing page.

3. Add social proof

Landing pages should build trust with prospects and what better way to do that than showing them the success some of your customers have had with you? For best effect, social proof should be present across your marketing site and topical to the page it’s on. Ie - if you’re showing off a specific part of your product, your social proof should ideally reference that specific functionality.

General social proof can also be helpful, and one of our favourite examples is testimonial.to's wall of love page - a page entirely dedicated to social proof of their platform.

4. Show your pricing

We’ve said it already, but it’s worth repeating. Landing pages need to build trust with your prospects. Hiding your pricing can make visitors hesitate to convert to the next step.

If your pricing is straight-forward, it’s easy enough to show but sometimes products have complex pricing formulas that don’t quite fit under 3 cards. Creating a pricing calculator can be helpful in these scenarios - for example, DataGuard uses a 2 step quiz to give visitors an automated, custom pricing quote.

5. Make your CTA relevant and be consistent

Your CTA should be relevant to the prospect’s stage of intent. If your page is being served as an ad to cold prospects, your call to action should aim to educate them further, while if your page is being accessed by high intent prospects a sign up or book a demo CTA could be appropriate.

Intercom drives prospects to learn more about their platform via a gated demo centre. This is providing additional learning material to prospects with very little friction. No need for them to commit their time to a live demo, rather with a few details they get taken to highly relevant content they can explore in their own time.

6. Back up your claims

It’s important to tell prospects about the value they’ll get from your platform. If you make bold claims, make them specific, and back them up! No one will believe a 2000% ROI claim without more detail on what exactly the ROI was: cost saving? New revenue? Something else? Be specific. Who got the return and how? Link out to a customer story, case study or research that was carried out.

One of the most engaging ways to back up your claims is with an interactive calculator. We love this example from Wise, showing you the exact savings you get by using their platform to send money abroad. They say they’re 5x cheaper than banks and back it up.

7. Reduce friction to conversion

When a prospect is convinced and finally ready to take the next step to convert, it's critical that you make that process as easy and frictionless as possible. The next step should be obvious and visible no matter where they are on the page.

If they need to book a time or fill out a contact form, make sure you only ask for the least amount of information they need - lengthy forms can put people off. If you require more information than a simple name and email, break the information gathering up into multiple steps.

Monday.com for example, requires users to provide more information than a simple email when they sign up. To improve conversion of their signup flow, they actually ask for the additional information right from their landing page's hero section, before you even click get started.

8. Add website chat

How can you know what your page is missing without talking to prospects? Adding website chat to your landing pages gives prospects a chance to ask clarifying questions your copy may be missing and even let you prompt them with relevant questions while they’re visiting.

ThriveDesk uses their own tool to make sure visitors to their landing page are supported with all the right materials they need to convert.

About the Author
Umberto Anderle

Umberto is a co-founder of HowdyGo, and is passionate about giving marketing and sales teams an easy way to demo their products at their best. He was VP of Product at a B2B enterprise startup with >$20m ARR where he learnt about the value of building personalised demo environments for prospects.

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Double your conversion rate with an interactive demo
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