Interactive product demo examples from multiple vendors [2024]

Inbound leads are 70% more likely to sign up after seeing an interactive demo. Let's explore 13 examples from multiple vendors in this article.
Last Updated -
June 12, 2024
Tom Bruining
Founder, BSc of Computer Science & BComm
In this article

Interactive demos have emerged as great tool for SaaS marketers who want to increase inbound prospect engagement and conversion rates. Here are some statistics we pulled from our product analytics:

  • 89% of visitors interact with demos on dedicated landing pages.
  • 55% of users engage when demos are integrated into an existing page, highlighting placement strategy and setting context for the viewer as a crucial factor to maximize interaction.
  • 60% of viewers reach the end of the demo.
  • 26% of users to review previous steps when a chapter navigator is included in the demo.
  • Inbound leads are 70% more likely to sign up for a trial when they view a demo.
  • New users are 80% more likely to perform multiple activation steps after signing up.
  • Prospects get onto sales calls 2 weeks faster when they have viewed an interactive demo.
  • 20% of viewers will click on a CTA button at the end of a demo.

We’ve collected several great examples from HowdyGo, Navattic, Tutorial, and Storylane.

Let's get started

1 . Flagsmith by HowdyGo

This demo increased app signups by 1.7x and activations by 1.54x.

We have clear attribution and have been able to track results — demos are having tangible impact for us.

- Anna Redbond, Head of Marketing - Flagsmith

Key Highlights:

  • This demo has a fantastic completion rate of over 90%, it's short and to the point.
  • Clickthroughs on the Primary "CTA" button on this demo are over 30%!
  • Of people who reach the end, 25% of them go back and review a section in this demo.

2. Drift by Navattic

This Navattic demo from Drift is a nice example of their product in action, demonstrating a responsive full-page tour.

A navattic demo example from
Navattic demo example from

3. by Tourial

This is an interesting demo from Tourial in the way that they jump between screenshot and video. Note that the quality of the image changes as they zoom in and out.

A gif of a Tourial screenshot demo

3. by Arcade

This Arcade demo is a nice representation. The limitation on a screenshot style demo is evident if you wanted to say, scroll down the dashboard page and check out Upflow's analytics in more detail.

A gif of an Arcade screenshot demo on

4. Ansarada by HowdyGo

Ansarada's Governance Risk & Compliance platform brings order to chaos for businesses.

Target Audience: PLG - Enterprise

Demo Style: Multi-chapter, story driven

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Feature Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Ansarada's interactive product demo shows how complex enterprise software can be made accessible to prospects and leads.
  • This multi-step demo includes a collection of chapters, helping to create structure while conveying high-level concepts to the viewer.
  • A story-driven demo that explains the key elements of the platform.

5. Lawpath by HowdyGo

View the interactive demo | Lawpath's Website

Lawpath helps businesses access legal documents and advice on demand.

Target Audience: PLG - Enterprise & Startups

Demo Style: Sectioned

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • A short, snappy demonstration which runs the viewer through the essentials of the Lawpath platform.
  • A clear CTA at the end that directs the viewer to a free trial sign up.
  • Use of emoji in the annotations helps to create a fun feel to the demo.

HowdyGo vs Walnut vs Navattic vs Tourial - What's the difference?

You've hit the nail on the head. When it comes to interactive demos, the tools themselves are just one part of the puzzle.

What you really need is a vendor who is going to help you create a strategy, build your demos, incorporate them into the right place and keep iterating on them.

That's what we do differently, and it's what makes us the choice for small marketing teams who are looking for an interactive demo tool.

Get started for free with HowdyGo

6. Thrive Desk by HowdyGo

Thrive Desk simplifies customer success with intuitive style, and a shared inbox.

Target Audience: Small-Medium Businesses & Startups

Demo Style: Story driven, no chapters

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Another story driven interactive product tour.
  • The story is short, but quickly connects the Customer Success agent story to one about analytics.
  • There's an opportunity to expand on this demo by having a more established analytics dashboard.
View the interactive demo | Thrive Desk's Website

7. Filecamp by HowdyGo

An overview of Filecamp's Digital Asset Management solution.

Target Audience: Small-Medium Businesses, Design Agencies

Demo Style: Multi-chapter, sectioned

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Doubles down on 3 essential features of a digital asset management tool.
  • Structures the demo around these 3 features.
  • Has a very light story.
View the interactive demoFilecamp's Website

8. GoCertify by HowdyGo

A walkthrough of the GoCertify verification process for one of their key discount verification groups - healthcare employees.

Target Audience: Small-Medium Businesses, Enterprises targeting Consumers

Demo Style: Story driven, very short demonstration, consumer walkthrough flow

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Use Case Deep Dive / Platform Overview (Dual purpose because this element of their product is on the simple end of the spectrum)

Key Highlights:

  • Uses the demo to show off a demonstration flow that would otherwise not be possible to demonstrate easily.
  • Very short demo, of only 6 steps.
  • Uses each step to communicate how GoCertify's verification process works in the background. Connecting the core user experience to the value proposition of the company.
View the interactive demoGoCertify's Website

9. SalesProphet by HowdyGo

See SalesProphet's contact database and outbound functionality in action.

Target Audience: Small-Medium Businesses, Sales, Growth & Marketing functions

Demo Style: Story driven

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Demonstrates some analytics.
  • Captures the underlying value proposition of their platform.
  • Shows how easy it is to do prospecting in SalesProphet.
View the interactive demoSalesProphet's Website

10. Tango by HowdyGo

Tour of Tango's agency project and contract management platform.

Target Audience: Design Agencies, Small-Medium Businesses, Freelancers

Demo Style: Story driven, AI product, multi-chapter

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Initially story driven, then switches to highlight a key feature of the platform.
  • Directs the user to scroll around in the demonstration to get a feel for the tool.
View the interactive demoTango's Website

11. UserMaven by HowdyGo

UserMaven's privacy-focused web analytics dashboard.

Target Audience: Startups, Small-Medium Businesses

Demo Style: Story driven, no chapters, analytics

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • A gorgeous example of an analytics product in action.
  • No chapters, and relatively short, it's focussed on how easy it is to use.
View the interactive demoUserMaven's Website

12. Capture Collab by HowdyGo

Capture Collab helps teams manage their digital assets.

Target Audience: Small-Medium Businesses, Design Agencies

Demo Style: Story driven, no chapters

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Feature Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Shows some essential features in a digital asset manager.
  • Striking visuals.
View the interactive demoCapture Collab's Website

13. Reward Point by HowdyGo

Reward Point makes it easier for businesses to create a digital rewards program.

Target Audience: B2B2C, DTC, Small-Medium Businesses

Demo Style: Story driven

Interactive Product Demo Hierarchy: Platform Overview

Key Highlights:

  • Shows how easy it is to get started.
  • Gives the viewer and opportunity to sneak behind the sign up process and see how Reward Point makes it easy for any business to start a digital rewards program
View the interactive demoReward Point's Website
About the Author
Tom Bruining
Founder, BSc of Computer Science & BComm

Tom Bruining is the co-founder of HowdyGo. In the past he was Head of Growth & Marketing at a B2B SaaS and Head of Data & Business Intelligence at HelloFresh, UK.

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